
Signs Your Home Needs Rewiring


Wiring is a vital part of any home. Ensuring that those wires are in good shape are just as important. A large percentage of home electrical fires involve outlets and receptacles and interior home wiring. Because of the potential for a hazardous situation, it’s important to know the signs of a problem before it can escalate. Here are ways to notice if your wiring at home is suffering from lack of attention and renovation.

Warning Signs

There are numerous indicators that if you pay attention to, including:

  • Frequently blown fuses or tripped breakers. Poor wiring frequently trips your circuit breaker. The breaker itself is designed to switch off electrical flow when a circuit exceeds the number of amps it is supposed to handle. Old wiring is often the culprit, but in other instances, it has to deal with the circuitry of the appliances and other electronics.
  • Dimming or flickering lights. This is a sign of faulty wiring and this is frequently seen more often in homes that are older than 40 years old.
  • Discolored switch plates, cords, or plugs Discoloration of the outlets or switches can be a sign that there is either a loose connection or faulty wiring. Loose connections in the outlets can cause arcing and sparking, which might result in small fires causing the surface of the outlets to char and discolor. It is also possible to not see any discoloration of the power outlets or switches that the issue may come from the wiring within the walls.
  • Buzzing or sizzling sounds. This can signal multiple problems with your wiring so it shouldn’t be taken lightly.
  • Sparks from an outlet when you plug or unplug a cord.
  • Electrical shock when you plug in or touch a cord. Even if it is a small, slight shock, it should not be shrugged off. Call an electrician.

Contributing Factors

In addition to the aforementioned factors, there are a couple of other factors that can subtly indicate you might need that rewiring.

  • The House’s Age: If you live in an old house that is older than 40 years, this might be the time to consider a rewiring. It might be possible that your old wiring can’t handle the electrical load that’s required by most modern appliances and gadgets. A rewiring would update your home and bring it up to current standards if it is required. A qualified electrician will be able to let you know more.
  • Burnt Smell: If you’re always noticing a burnt smell without being able to identify a possible source, then you may want to consider having someone take a look at your wires. This burnt smell may be the result of an electrical short that might have happened under the floorboards or behind the walls. If you suspect that this might be the culprit behind the smell, then call an electrician and have them immediately fix the issue, as this can be a fire hazard.
  • Aluminum Wiring: This reflects the age of your home as well. Prior to the 1970s, aluminum wiring could be found in many home’s wiring systems. This was due to the low price and high conductivity. Unfortunately, aluminum wiring tends to overheat easily, creating a fire hazard. If there is aluminum wiring in your home, you should remove it and replace it.

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Call Excel Electric LLC for home rewiring.