
Benefits of a Generator Installation This Spring


Power outages can happen at any time. Springtime brings heavy rains and storms that can easily cause an outage in any home. There isn’t really anything that you can do to prevent them, but there are certain precautions you can take to prevent them from disrupting your daily life. Having a backup generator will help protect you, your loved ones, and your belongings in the event of an outage.  Don’t you want your home to be prepared when a storm hits?

Benefits of Owning a Generator

Making the decision to add a generator to your home is like adding extra insurance. There’s no telling when you will need it, but you will certainly appreciate it when you do. There are several different ones to meet your specific needs – some are equipped to power a few essential appliances while others can power your whole home. They kick on immediately when your power goes out – they work within seconds. No matter which type you think you need, it will only benefit you in the long run! Here are some advantages of having a whole home generator backing up your home.

  • They keep you comfortable. When a storm hits, you will be able to continue watching TV or using your devices. You will have light and power, and your perishables will be protected as your refrigerator stays on. Can you imagine having all of your food spoil during a long outage? If you have a sump pump working in your basement, it will continue working with ease being powered by a generator.
  • They protect your electronics. Power surges can be very harmful to your electronics and appliances. If the surge is severe enough, it can cause them to overheat and catch fire. As the power returns to your home after an outage, a generator will protect it.
  • Construction and farming safety. If you are having work done to your home, a home generator will make it cheaper for you to run tools for projects. They are also very useful for emergency farm and gardening use – if you make a living this way you should have things protected.
  • Most importantly, generators keep you safe. If you or your loved ones rely on electricity the way that most do, it shouldn’t take much thought to realize the safety benefits of a whole home generator.

Why Choose Excel Electric LLC?

Here in South Florida, storms are quite common. Because we get storms year-round, the extra protection never hurts. Our main concern is your safety, so we offer top of the line equipment to protect your home and keep your power running.  When you choose us for your generator installation, you will have:

  • Safety – we will install your generator interlock kit the right way so no one can get hurt.
  • Load management of the whole home.
  • Up Front Pricing.

For questions about generator installation in South Florida this spring, call Excel Electric LLC today!