
5 Signs You Need Electrical Troubleshooting on Your Circuit Breaker


Electrical troubleshooting in Jupiter, FL can save your home from becoming a giant safety hazard, especially when you need work on your circuit breaker. Circuit breakers are a valuable first line of defense in home safety, but are often overlooked as a solution to real problems. Your electrical panel is likely hidden in the basement or in a utility closet, well out of sight and thought. This means a serious problem may be developing just beneath the surface. Without even knowing. If you continue to ignore the warning signs and resist checking a circuit breaker as needed, you can experience a wide range of problems. You may notice poor performance from your most essential appliances or, worse, having them damaged beyond repair. When circuit breakers fail to control the flow of electricity properly you may experience bulbs that constantly burn out or a microwave that barely lasted past its one year warranty. Overheating can occur, causing lasting damage to coils and computer boards. Most importantly, your safety and the safety of your family will be placed at risk due to higher chances of smoke, fire, and water damage. It may even cost your entire home. Before this situation gets completely out of hand, it’s time to consider what needs to be done to ensure your home is equipped with a circuit breaker working to the best of its abilities.

How Can Excel Electric Help You?

If you want highly effective electrical troubleshooting, please call Excel Electric right now. We want to see homes across the Jupiter, FL area with high-quality electricity that works both efficiently and conveniently. This is especially true of circuit breakers, which our team of electricians will fix or replace accordingly. We’ve dealt with all sorts of problems with circuit breakers, and yours will be no exception. With our help, you will enjoy an extended lifespan on all of your most essential appliances, as they will be kept out harm’s way and be able to work properly. Since your home will also be safer, you will notice improved property value. Potential buyers are less likely to look at a home that isn’t equipped with safe electricity but with our troubleshooting work, your home will become the most wanted in the Jupiter, FL area. But best of all, you will be able to live at a much better peace of mind.

When Should You Troubleshoot Your Circuit Breaker?

So, how do you know when it’s time to troubleshoot your circuit breaker? The key is to pay close attention to these warning signs:

  1. Burning Smell in The Electrical Panel: If you smell a burning odor coming from the panel that means wires and insulation have become overheated and are failing to protect your home from an electrical short elsewhere. Shut off the main power to the house and call an electrician immediately for emergency service.
  2. Breakers Tripping Frequently: A circuit breaker is designed to trip when too much power is being drawn through it to protect your entire home. If a breaker is tripping every time you turn on a particular appliance like the microwave or vacuum cleaner, the breaker may be worn out and ready to fail. An electrician will be able to determine whether you need to replace it.
  3. Physical Damage: If you notice scorch marks around the breaker, at an outlet or appliances are failing due to melted wires, it’s a good bet that your electrical panel and breakers require immediate service. A melted wire is one step away from your entire house going up in flames. Also, look out for any switches and outlets. Place that emergency call to the electrician and unplug all fixtures from that circuit.
  4. Breaker Will Not Stay Reset: Are you noticing your break will not stay on for any period of time? The breaker has probably failed. However, a licensed electrician at Excel Electric will check the entire circuit to make sure further damage wasn’t done to the wiring.
  5. Old Age: Circuit breakers are designed to last for decades of use. However, if you have a home where the electrical panel has not been serviced in ten years or more, there’s a good chance that there are several breakers ready to fail. Having an electrician from Excel Electric inspect your panel for electrical troubleshooting is the best move to make in this situation.

Contact Excel Electric today if you want to make sure your circuit breaker is working to the best of its abilities thanks to our electrical troubleshooting in Jupiter, FL!