
Ask Our Landscape Lighting Contractor: What are the Benefits of LED Lighting?


If you’re looking for a responsible and affordable way to add lighting to your landscaping, then talk to your landscape lighting contractor in Jupiter, FL!

Advice From Your Landscape Lighting Contractor in Jupiter, FL

Sprucing up your garden with some strategically placed lighting can make your property more beautiful and enjoyable. It can also make it safer, since you’re less likely to trip and fall if you have enough light. Plus, it can deter burglars and other criminals from trying to enter your property.

And when it comes to choosing the best type of lighting, if you’ve been doing your research on the Internet or by watching home improvement shows, you’ve probably heard about LED lighting. So what’s so special about LED lights?

  • Long life. LED bulbs provide—get this—around 100,000 hours of light, which is about 11 years of continuous operation. Yup. That’s right. You’re more likely to replace your car before you need a new LED light.
  • Energy efficient. LED lights use far less energy than regular light bulbs, converting 80 percent to light and only 20 percent to heat.
  • Environmentally responsible. Unlike regular light bulbs, LED lights don’t contain mercury or other toxic chemicals.
  • No UV emissions. This means you can use these lights close to plants without damaging them.
  • Resistant to extreme temperatures. Normal lights can get damaged due to extreme hot or cold, but LED lights are sturdy and will continue to function in extreme temperatures.
  • They operate on low voltage. This is extremely beneficial if you want to power them with solar energy, since they’ll produce sufficient light with very little voltage.

Talk to Your Landscape Lighting Contractor in Jupiter, FL About LED Lighting

If you’re interested in having LED lighting installed in your garden, contact Excel Electric. Our master electricians are highly experienced with this type of lighting and can advise you on the best options for your property. So take advantage of this revolutionary form of lighting, and call Excel Electric today!